1. FA safeguarding strategy 2021-2022 to 2023-2024
2. Affiliated football's safeguarding policy & procedures
3. Grassroots football safeguarding children policy & procedures
4. Safeguarding children regulations
5. Safeguarding children policies and procedures
6. Safeguarding adults in affiliated football policy and procedures
8. The FA relationship of trust statement
9. Safeguarding adults regulations
10. Safeguarding risk assessment guidance
11. How to report safeguarding concerns
12. Safeguarding referral form
13. Support and guidance contacts
14. Support and guidance contacts
15. Support and guidance contacts
16. Safer recruitment of volunteers
17. Disclosure and barring service checks
18. Getting a disclosure and barring service check
19. Getting a DBS check tutors
21. Obtaining a DBS check online
22. Disclosure barring service checks FAQ
24. FA policy on handling of DBS check certificates
25. Coaches in school curriculum time
26. Carrying out face to face identity verification DBS checks Covid-19
27. Appointing a welfare office
28. Welfare officers code of conduct
29. Welfare officers roles and responsibilities
30. Travel trips tournament advice and permissions
31. Ratios of adults to children
32. Physical contact grassroots guidance
33. Acceptable behaviours young people guidance grassroots football
34. Managing challenging behaviour young people guidance
35. Providing a positive welcome to your club
36. Medical FAQs
37. Running websites and social media platforms
38. Digital communications and children
39. Safeguarding staying safe in the digital world
40. Know your rights in football
41. Including and safeguarding deaf and disabled
42. Personal hearings guidance for under 18s
43. Fake news: What to trust online
44. How to ask an adult for help
46. Club membership info and consent
47. Photographing and filming children
48. Changing rooms and showering facilities
49. Tips to ensure your child's online safety
50. Grooming signs and steps to take if you are worried about a child
52. Waiving anonymity - A guide
53. Benevolent fund
54. Finding out that a family member was abused
55. Safeguarding open age adult disability football
56. Appointing club and league welfare officers
57. Adding a club welfare officer to WGS
58. How to access online course
59. Safeguarding adults policy procedures
60. Recognising and responding to adult safeguarding concerns
61. Best practice in open age adult disability football
62. Safer recruitment of volunteers open age adult disability football